Sunday, April 17, 2011

Small Group at Dennis and Barb's

Directions are on the sidebar. Please bring food if you can.

Update on Mary Anne's daughter: She is still stable and sedated. She has pneumonia and MRSA. They cannot yet take her off of the ventilator. Her liver is still not functioning well. It seems that the doctors expect her to live, but I'd call it "guardedly optimistic." Things still could go south very quickly.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Update on Mary Anne and her daughter

Mary Anne's daughter is in Medical ICU at Memorial. Her vital signs have been stable, but she is sedated and her liver is not functioning as it should. It is not producing clotting agents and so she is in danger of bleeding to death. She had many repairs to her esophagus and any of them could burst loose and death would then come quickly. Every 12 hours her prognosis improves slightly. She'll be in the hospital at least a week if she does well.

Mary Anne is currently planning to spend days up at the hospital with her and leave at 5:30 pm. The FesperPeople are watching her granddaughter until Mary Anne can get her. the granddaughter's father is currently not able to be located, and may not be for a while. The granddaughter is pretty flat emotionally right now.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

10 April 2011

For some completely unexpected reason, the Corbetts have lots of enchiladas... Bring stuff that goes with enchiladas. Or anything else to eat or drink. And your Bible. And an open heart. And all that.

And small group is at the Corbett's. But you already knew that.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 3

Small Group at Tuggy's house. Bring food...