Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Small Group at Tuggy's House!

Pearl Harbor Day group is at Tuggy's house on Florida in St. Elmo. Go back through older posts for directions. Bring food, but in honor of the day, no Japanese food. Korean and Chinese is ok. But no pickled cabbage; I hate pickled cabbage. Tell your kids, no touchie the Christmas tree. Violators will have to eat meatloaf and get NO COOKIES.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nov 23 Fremen!

Small group at the Fremen house. Directions on a previous post. C U there!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nov 16 Small Group at Corbett's

Small group at the Corbett's house today. Travelling south out of Chattanooga, pass 2-A and continue South. When you get into High Point, turn right on Pace Road (at the old store). Turn left into the driveway at 443 Pace Road (the number is near the ground). Call 706-931-2393 if you need directions.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Small Group at Tuggy's, 11/9

If you scroll down far enough, you'll find directions if you need them. C U there!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Small Group Cancelled - Sorry!

Sorry guys. Something has come up and I need to cancel small group tonight. So no small group tonight for the StElmoFlinstoneRossvilleLookoutMountain Small Group, Nov 2.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Small Group, October 19th, 2008

"The Great Tribulation"

Acts 14:19-23

Question 6: Which of the two commitments have you decided to make this week?
A. Now grumbling/complaining or,
B. Signing up for some kind of sacrifice, such as volunteering for a church need or give up something that you love or love to do.

The words from
"Here I Am To Worship" are appropriate for me:

King of all days, Oh so highly exalted,

Glorious in heaven above;

Humbly you came to the earth you created;

All for love’s sake became poor.

So here I am to worship …

And I’ll never know how much it cost

To see my sin upon that cross.

Jesus knew tribulation, the early saints knew tribulation(Stephen, James, Paul, Peter, on and on, those in China, Darfur, Somalia, India, China, Saudi Arabia, and so many other places in today's world). And here I am complaining.....oh the shame....

Also as a reminder, since this is the week of the Lord's Supper, there is a one day fast that is voluntary. The suggestion is to start on Thursday after sundown and continue until after sundown on Friday.

Some thoughts about fasting:

a. It is used for spiritual growth
b. Used to seek the Lord's counsel on matters of importance
c. To glorify God, enhance our spirit, and go deeper into our prayer life
d. To help us take our eyes off of the things of this world

It is not:
a. used for dieting
b. Required by Christ or Scriptures
c. necessarily from food, can be anything that is causing you to not focus on God
d. for diabetics or others with food related your doctor is always recommended.

From "All About God"

"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" (Matthew 6:16-18).

Christian Fasting - A Lifestyle of Servant Living
Christian fasting is more than denying ourselves food or something else of the flesh - it's a sacrificial lifestyle before God. In Isaiah 58, we learn what a "true fast" is. It's not just a one-time act of humility and denial before God, it's a lifestyle of servant ministry to others. As Isaiah tells us, fasting encourages humility, loosens the chains of injustice, unties the chords of the yoke, frees the oppressed, feeds the hungry, provides for the poor, and clothes the naked. This concept of fasting isn't a one day thing - it's a lifestyle of servant living for God and others.

"Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, 'Here I am' (Isaiah 58:8-9).

Prayer Requests:

Travis -
A sister who does not know the Lord and had developed a blood clot on the brain and also has addiction problems, please pray that she will surrender to the Lord and for the Lord to heal her.
Also a continuation of prayer for the Lord to help Travis develop the good habits of using his time wisely and getting the rest that he needs.

David - Praise - there is no diabetes - please pray for the Lord's help in David's struggle with a problem that continues to plague him also that the Lord would heal an "impaired glucose tolerance" problem.
Please also pray for David's father who has pre-cancerous skin cells on his face and that he quit procrastinating and have them treated.

Dennis - For the Father to give him wisdom on how best to serve the Kingdom, family and church.

Barb - Praise - the pain in her left chest and back is NOT due to a recurrence of cancer but to a fractured rib. Probably due to a bike accident a month or so back. Please pray for quick healing and for the pain to stop.
Barb said that she will sign up for the "not grumbling or complaining"

Daniel and Benny - For the Lord to heal their injuries from the car accident

Mary - Pray for Katrina and her sister Nichol who, along with their mother are now living in a shelter. The mother could lose her two girls.
Please pray for the Father to give Mary wisdom as she has an opportunity to be the resource for the mother. Pray that the Father will use all those around Mary to help her in this decision.

Libby - Please pray that the Lord would cure the tendinitis that plagues Libby as she has a job where she is on her feet most of the day.

Gaby - Please pray that the Lord would intervene with the insurance people to bring speedy payments for all of the bills that have been a result of the accident. Also pray that the injuries caused in the accident will heal quickly.
Also, pray for Billy to be the godly man and leader in his home for Gaby and the boys. Pray also that Gaby will be able to lay all of her worries and concerns in the hands of our Father.

Jacksons - Please pray for Giovanni, Marisella, Gracie, DeeDee, Will and Ricky as they go through the loss of their father Rod. Please also pray for all of Rod's family, for peace and healing from their loss.

Please pray for the Harvest Party, that there will be those who come who are yet undecided and the Holy Spirit will work on them to surrender to the Lord.

Please pray that the church family will not withdraw from their giving. Pray that all would see this as the time to give more and to find joy in knowing the Lord is in control and will bless them mightily.

Please pray that the Christians in this nation will come together and vote for the life of our unborn and not for murder. The spiritual battle is on and we must vote for the least of those among us. Please pray that the Lord will help us to restore the moral foundation of this country.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Small Group - 19 Oct., Fremen House

Small group is at the Fremen's house today (directions below).

Leave Chatt on St. Elmo Ave., which becomes GA 193 as soon as you cross the state line.

Go past the light at GA 2-A and turn left at GA 341. There is no light and there is a State Farm Insurance office on the right.

Once you pass the hard left bend, turn left a little ways up on Mission Ridge Road.

Turn left on Hill Top.

Turn right on East Circle.
Billy and Gaby are at 1003 East Circle.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Small Group - Sunday October 12th, 2008

Man-Centered Religion
Acts 14:8-18

I believe question #4 is perhaps the most challenging question that I have heard anyone make. That is:

"4. Pastor Travis talked about "colluding with each other to pretend that we are holier than we actually are." Have you ever been tempted to do this? How is that sinful and what are the dangers?"

Our desire to hide our sins and to avoid at all costs transparency is to avoid the Lord's command to all, i.e.:

Luke 10:27 (English Standard Version)

27And he answered,(A) "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and(B) your neighbor as yourself."

Cross references:

  1. Luke 10:27 : Matt 22:37; Mark 12:30; Deut 6:5

  2. Luke 10:27 : Lev 19:18; Matt 19:19

    The part of the command that I never really think too deeply about is the "and your neighbor as yourself."

    " And" seems to get me.....but Travis's question really grabbed me. Now the question may do we start obeying our Lord? How do we lose our pride and selfishness and gain the humility to love our neighbors as ourselves despite all of the sin. How do we love each other so much that we desire to help our neighbors through their sin. How do we stand by them when they don't seem to want to stop their sin? How do we that without seeming to enable them?

    Ah, it is not easy at all to be a Christian.....guess that is why I feel so miserable when I think about how poorly I follow my Master's lead.

    Prayer Requests:

    Gaby - Pray that the Lord will give her wisdom and strength as she starts to work full time teaching. Pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to her about taking the job and as to whether or not to have a full time job. Please also pray that the Lord would speed up the healing for all injuries resulting from the recent car wreck.

    Travis - Pray that the Holy Spirit would be especially clear in guiding Travis to develope good habits for his sleep and work cycles. Also pray that the Lord would give Travis wisdom and maturity.

    David - Please pray that the Lord would free David of a problem that continues to plague him. Pray that the Lord shower David with mercy and love.

    Billy - Praise that the job decision was made for him by the closing of the plant where the opening was available. Praise the Lord that Billy did not accept the job offer before the plant closed.

    Bekah - Pray that the Lord will raise up those around her in her new work environment that she will be able to draw on for support. That they would be lovers of Christ and have their eyes firmly on Him first and the world second.

    Dennis - For the Lord to make clear what it is that he needs to do.....with the loss of the income....concentrate on finishing the course on Grant Proposal writing, or job hunting. How can I best serve the Lord?

    Rae - Please pray for the Lord to provide for Rae's wheelchair.

    Thank you, Miss Bekah for your hospitality and please extend our thanks to your roommates for their generosity in opening your home to all of us in the small group.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

12 Oct 08 Small Group Location

We're meeting at Tuggy's house tonight! Bring good food! If you need directions go back through the old posts. It's in there.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Small Group - Sunday September 21st, 2008

Notes from Small Group:

Fasting: Generally agreed the start will be from sundown Thursday and end sundown Friday. Each person may pick a time that best suits them. There is no requirement. Just the desire to try to use this discipline for the glory of our Father in our lives.

Prayer Requests:

Pray for our brother who is suffering from depression. That the Lord would remove this burden from him.

Billy - Please pray for wisdom and peace as he tries to understand the Lords leading in his life as it pertains to the job decision that is before him. Pray also that we all dwell on our blessings and remember to give all praise to the Lord for them.

Pray for our 3 special ones that are trying to understand the joy of the Lord and that we will be diligent in following up with them and mentoring them so that they will embrace the saving grace of God our Father and surrender to the Lord Jesus.

Travis - Pray for Travis to be able to reach his goal of going to bed at 1100pm or earlier.

Libby - Pray for her 12 year old brother who has been diagnosed with ADHD, that the Lord will heal him of this condition.
Note to Libby from Dennis: Please email me at as I have some information that might be of some use to help in your brother's condition.

Mary - for the Lord to intervene and cause Elsie's jawbone to grow so that she will have to have fewer surgeries to get the results the doctor's want for her. Also that the eye work will go better than expected and that the Lord will provide for the expense of the prosthetic ear.
We all want to praise the Lord with the testimony that Mary gave in how the Lord has directly intervened in several areas for the Corbett's. You are truly an amazing God!

Barbara - to lay her worries and fears at the foot of the cross and allow the Lord to give her peace and calmness. That the Holy Spirit would speak to her in a way that will give her that peace in knowing that all is going according to the will of God and that is best for all of us.

Dave - Pray that the Lord will give him peace, patience and love for his students. That he could see them as Jesus would have him see them....with love and kindness. Also pray that through the Lord, the issues that have been plaguing him and causing the anger will leave.

Gaby - please pray that she can also put her anxieties and feelings of being overwhelmed and weighed down with all of the things she feels that need to be done at the foot of the cross. Pray that the headache that has been present for the past several days will be gone.

Dennis - Please pray that the Lord will smooth the way with the insurance company to provide the funds for Rae's wheelchair.

Please pray for the nation, that there will be a true revival and Christians will take an active part in the political process. Pray that the Lord will bless those that are trying to return us to the moral foundation that we started with. Pray also that he will give us all a desire to vote for those who best represent the Judeo Christian values as given to us by God our Father in his Word - the Bible. Pray also that the Lord will use those in the main stream news media that are his to return them to honestly and fairly reporting the news.

Please pray for Linda as she is waiting for the results of the biopsy and preparing for her trip to Liberia. Please also pray for Linda as this past Sunday was the anniversary of Mike's homecoming to heaven.....pray for the peace of knowing that Mike is with the Lord to ease the pain of separation.

Thank you Billy, Gaby and boys for opening up your home to us for the small group even as it added to the stress of needing to have Billy get to bed early. Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you Pastor Travis, for leading the small group and for your insights. Also thank you for ushering us out in a timely manner....:-)

May the Lord bless us and keep us safe, may he make his face to shine upon us.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

21 Sept 2008 Location

Small group is at the Fremen's house today (directions below).

Leave Chatt on St. Elmo Ave., which becomes GA 193 as soon as you cross the state line.

Go past the light at GA 2-A and turn left at GA 341. There is no light and there is a State Farm Insurance office on the right.

Once you pass the hard left bend, turn left a little ways up on Mission Ridge Road.

Turn left on Hill Top.

Turn right on East Circle.
Billy and Gaby are at 1003 East Circle.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

07 Sept 2008 Small Group

Small Group is at Tuggy's this Sunday. Bring food. Directions are in a previous post. -Peace

Jesus is like a Mountie?

Um, well, this is pretty doggone terrible, and I hate to keep such terribleness all to myself. Here! Have fun!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

24 Aug 08 Small Group

Small group is at Travis' house this Sunday. Menu is Tex-Mex. Here's how to get there: Travel into St Elmo on St Elmo Ave. Right after Ochs Hwy turn left on old 40th (next to the Incline). At the top of the hill, turn left at the T (Old Mnt Road). Take your first left on Everett St. Take your next left on Fair Oak Pl. First house on the right at 1 Fair Oak. Park on the left hand side of the street wherever you can as close to the wall as possible.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Do we all still love each other?

Just asking because going without food makes me cranky. I saw my M.D. on Monday and he said I may or may not have diabetes - I need to have some bloodwork done. It was hard to know what to do for this fast day. I ended up fasting for a meal. My schedule and work responsibilities made it hard for me to spend much of that time in prayer. (Wednesday is my day to monitor a hallway during lunch.) Interested to know how everybody is doing. How cool would it be if some of us could get together and pray for part of the day when we do this again?

Monday, August 18, 2008

August 17th, 2008 ST. Elmo Small Group

Highlands Presbyterian Church
LaFayette, Georgia
17 August 2008
Small Group Questions
Acts 13:1-3 "God Still Calling..."
Pastor Travis
1. In what ways do you think that God still speaks to his people? Why do you think so?
2. What does it mean to be led by "live quivers"? Why is this a dangerous thing? Have you ever tried to do this?
3. Do you agree with Pastor Travis's assertion that fasting should still be a part of the Christian life? Why or why not. See Matthew 6:16-18.
4. What are some benefits of fasting?
5. What are the right and wrong ways to fast?
6. As a small group, try to agree on a short period of fasting and prayer some time in the next two weeks. Talk about your fast at your next small group meeting.

Ok, these are the questions to ponder. Number 6 was discussed and agreed that Wednesday will be the day of fasting for the group. The guidelines are:

A. Fasting starts at sundown on Tuesday evening and concludes at sundown on Wednesday.

B. A liquid fast is preferred consisting of water, tea or coffee. Sugars and creamers or milk is discouraged.

C. Some form of focusing on the Lord with Bible reading, scripture memorization, prayer or a combination of all 3 is the goal.

Prayer Requests:

Guy and Amy - Amy, for God to give her strength and peace and understanding. Guy, for God to remove all obstacles for Guy's job and to give Guy peace. Also, pray that Guy and Amy will turn all of their anxieties, hurts, worries, disagreements over to the Lord and that they both allow the Lord to work in their lives to bring about a closeness and love that is stronger than they have ever experienced. Then let them focus also on raising up a godly young man.

Micki - pray that the Lord will continue to work to eradicate the source of pain in Micki's back. The praise is that He has relieved her of a large part of the pain so that she is pain free for a majority of the time. Praise the Lord!

Barbara and Dennis - Please continue to pray for the Lord's blessings with the insurance on Rae's new chair. That He will touch those that have to make the decision's on what and how much is covered. That the insurance would cover 100%.

Billy - Thanks for prayers for Billy and Gabby in strengthening their marriage. Prayer for Billy with continuing growth as husband and father.

Bekah - please pray for Hanna, her job and for her freedom from the things in the past that still trouble her.

Noah - please pray that he will get the jailor position at the Walker County police department.

Mary - please pray for Sadie as she has been faithful in seeking good counsel and taken the difficult path of following that counsel.
Pray that the Lord will reward her faithfulness.

Daniel - please pray for his classmate who is a diabetic.

Laurie - pray for her son Christopher to gain weight and for all his problems to have been cured from his heart surgery.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Aug 17 Sm Group

Tonite's group is at the Fremen house (6 pm). Scroll down for the set of directions from an earlier post.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Directions to Small Group Sunday 8/10

Small Group is at my new house tomorrow!

Heading north into Chattanooga through St. Elmo (on St. Elmo Avenue), turn R on 49th Street. Turn L on Florida Avenue, and I'm in the second house on the left - yellow on the bottom story, green on the upper story, kind of a barn roof outline. Park on the right facing north, or you might get your car ticketed. I'm looking forward to having you all here! We're still in the middle of moving various roommates in, so there will be boxes around, but there's definitely room for everyone.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Interesting Bibical Archaeology Debate

Dear Friends,

If you have time to look at a very interesting archaeological debate that looks quite relevant, what do you think of this?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Small Group Directions (7/6,13, 20)

Need to know how to get to Billy and Gaby's house? Here are the directions from Chattaboogie:

Leave Chatt on St. Elmo Ave., which becomes GA 193 as soon as you cross the state line.
Go past the light at GA 2-A and turn left at GA 341. There is no light and there is a State Farm Insurance office on the right.
Once you pass the hard left bend, turn left a little ways up on Mission Ridge Road.
Turn left on Hill Top.
Turn right on East Circle.
Billy and Gaby are at 1003 East Circle.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Jesus is for Losers

If the title shocks you (And I think it's meant to in part), I think that's ok. I know it's only been 3 days since my last entry, but I like this blogging thing. Here is another song lyric that's been on my mind of late. It's funny - you can now watch the video to this song on youtube. It used to be much harder to come by. Anyway, this song is buy a man named Steve Taylor and it is from 1993 I think.

Jesus is For Losers

if I was driven
driven ahead by some noble ideal
who took the wheel?
if I was given
given a glimpse of some glorious road
when was it sold?

so caught up in the chase
I keep forgetting my place
just as I am
I am stiff-necked and proud
Jesus is for losers
why do I still play to the crowd?
Just as I am pass the compass, please
Jesus is for losers
I'm off about a hundred degrees

if I was groping
groping around for some ladder to fame
I am ashamed
if I was hoping
hoping respect would make a sturdy footstool
I am a fool
bone-weary every climb
blindsided every time

just as I am
I am needy and dry
Jesus is for losers
the self-made need not apply
just as I am in a desert crawl
Lord, I'm so thirsty take me to the waterfall

and if your certain
certain that faith is some know-nothing mask
why do you still ask?
they don't grade here on the curve
we both know what we deserve

just as you are
just a wretch like me
Jesus is for losers
grace from the blood of the tree
just as we are
at a total loss
Jesus is for losers
broken at the foot of the cross

just as I am
pass the compass, please
Jesus is for losers
I'm off about a hundred degrees
just as I am
in a desert crawl
Lord, I'm so thirsty
take me to the waterfall

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hymn Thoughts

Hello friends. Lately I have been listening to a CD of hymns by from a hymnal by a man named William Gadsby who lived in the mid 1800s. This is a hymn he wrote:

Weary of earth, myself, and sin,
Dear Jesus set me free,
And to Thy glory take me in,
For there I long to be.

Let a poor laborer here below,
When from his toil set free;
To rest and peace eternal go:
For there I long to be.

Burdened, dejected, and oppressed,
Ah! Whither shall I flee,
But to Thy arms for peace and rest?
For there I long to be.

Let a poor laborer here below,
When from his toil set free;
To rest and peace eternal go:
For there I long to be.

Empty, polluted, dark and vain
Is all this world to me;
May I the better world obtain
For there I long to be.

Let a poor laborer here below,
When from his toild set free;
To rest and peace eternal go:
For there I long to be.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Greetings from a Robertson

Dearest friends,

Warm greetings.

I have for some time had thoughts of posting to this blog, and now I have been let into the circle via a simple email to the rabbi. (Did he really think this through?) I'll be honest: down in my soul I'm a luddite, and I think I always will be, and this is the first time I've ever blogged, and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. But I hereby will seek not to be frivolous. It's not all bad - there's just way too much frivolousness in the world.

I think this may really be a forum for fruitful conversation. What are everyone's thoughts on the purpose and function of the blog? Is it for prayer requests? How about praise reports? How about discussions related to our small group's plans? Sermons & small group discussions? What about side issues and questions spiritual, whimsical, ancillary, and even frivolous? Do we have clear boudaries about these things? Just wondering.

Here's a really interesting essay by an insightful heretic that I heard on NPR earlier this week:

Let me know if I'm not allowed to post heresy.


Hermano David

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Prayer Requests, Mar 16

1) Praise for Steve putting on his own socks and pray for continued healing. Pray against discouragement.
2) Barb's first exam after a year came out clean. Praise the Lord.
3) Pray for Katrina: protection and wisdom and strength. Also her mother is sick with cancer.
4) Pray for Bekkah and an apology she needs to make about an old situation...wisdom!
5) Pray for Elise's family. Pray for healing for the division in her family. Also Elise needs a job in Atlanta.
6) Steph is graduating and needs direction. Is applying to a ministry among Native Americans.
7) Prayer for Kimberly and her stress during tax season.
8) Praise for Katie being re-enrolled in CC. Pray for her work situation (stress!). Katie needs sleep because of stress.
9) Pray for Amy and work-life balance: stress!
10) Steve's uncle seems to be dying. Pray for Steve and his family.
11) Guy, that a job would open up at CC.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Open for Business

Okay, folks, you should be able to access this now. If you want to be able to post your own posts (and you do, because it's ever so much fun), please email Travis or Dennis or me, and we will add you to the authors list.

And now, just because laughter is good for the soul, I present you with one of my favorite game shows. Human Tetris. Oh, and thanks for praying for me to return safely - I needed it, on Saturday especially - it was snowing on I-20 and the wind was gusting strongly enough to add an hour to my supposedly 3-hour drive, even though traffic was fine. But there were no collisions anywhere near me! ...I can't say the same for the poor suckers in this video...

Friday, March 7, 2008

No Small Group Sunday

This Sunday we're having a congregational meeting instead of small groups. I want to encourage everyone to come the the meeting. We're going to be talking about more than usual and there's some things which are pretty important to the ministry of Highlands. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Prayers 2 March 2008

The Food Was Great!

*Please note that you can subscribe to posts to this blog and they'll come on your email. That way you'll know if something's posted (like a venue change).

Prayer Requests
Kimberly and Paul are both sick with the flu
(Kim's much better, Paul's getting worse)
Pray that the GriefShare group run by Steph's parents will fly
Pray for Justin's younger sister, Kristie, with severe spinal problems
Micah is trusting the Lord for tuition
Katie is praising the Lord that she's going back to Covenant
Katie is also praying for wisdom regarding her break-up
David needs spiritual growth in areas regarding his finances
Billy asks for more sensitivity to the Spirit, especially with repentance
Please pray for safety for Tuggy's travel back to CC

Travis has a book recommendation: The Evil of Evils by Jeremiah Burroughs. This a a book on sin by the pastor who was the official preacher for the Westminster Assembly. I have a copy published by Soli Deo Gloria.